News & Thinking

Programmatic Digital Out of Home: The Time is Now

  • Podcast
JCDecaux - Life in programmatic Digital OOH Podcast 24 Mar

MTM partnered with JCDecaux UK on a study involving 200 programmatic digital Out-of-Home marketers, titled “Programmatic DOOH: The Time is Now”  highlighting the benefits, challenges, and real-life applications of prDOOH.

MTM Research Director, Carrie Condino, spoke to Dom Kozak on a recent podcast about the recent research that JCDecaux UK and MTM collaborated on together. They chat about the growth of programmatic digital out-of-home advertising, how that compares to other growing advertising channels, and how it fits in wider marketing plans. (Plus a bonus myth buster!)

Listen below, or wherever you get your podcasts from.

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