Case studies

Building a Gen AI chatbot

A major global software company commissioned MTM to ensure their new AI chatbot would help developers more efficiently discover, learn and develop via their platform.


A global software company retained MTM as insights partner: to understand how their new AI chatbot could help developers find and access relevant documentation and guidance, so they can more easily and efficiently develop for, and deploy on, our client’s platform. 


To inform the development of this client’s AI chatbot, MTM set out to gain an in-depth understanding of developers’ current experience with various Gen AI tools and what could make our client’s AI chatbot more useful, reliable and well-informed. To do so, MTM conducted qualitative deep-dive interviews with developers in the US and UK, exploring a range of topics from expectations around personalisation and placement of the chatbot, to features and UX.  


Our UX research and strategy helped the client understand how their AI chatbot could help developers more efficiently discover, learn and develop via their platform. Leveraging our insight, the client rolled out their conversational AI chatbot that can now automatically serve up highly accurate and personalised guidance and documentation, including easy to read and use code samples. This innovation is now making developers’ lives significantly easier, speeding the development process and improving their overall user experience.